Really Good Movies

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Minority Report

Movie: Minority Report (2002)
Watched with: Angelo

I saw this in theaters but I didn't remember it very well.

Two things struck me about it--

1) With its hero falsely accused of a crime and being pursued by the government he once supported via sophisticated technolgy and explosive action sequences, this is basically the science fiction Enemy of the State.

2) Despite this, while I haven't read "Minority Report", the main character is actually strangely similar to the protagonist of the novel A Scanner Darkly (and probably the movie too, though I've yet to see the movie, because it's not playing here).
Both characters used to have a normal family life, but are now single drug addict cops.

I guess Minority Report's a pretty good movie. I think my biggest real criticism of it is that Steven Speilburg is really shitty at being creepy, so characters like the mean eye doctor are less intimidating than they should be.

Also, Washington DC is basically all black people except the President, and it's dopey that the movie doesn't reflect that.


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