Really Good Movies

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Superman II

Movie: Superman II (1980)
Watched with: Angelo

I definitely watched Superman at some point and I seem to have forgotten to write about it on here. Oh well.

Superman II really frustrated me. The awkwardness of the romance between Lois and the unmasked Kal-El is really well played; considering their relative blandness in the first movie, their performances here are particularly impressive.
Some of the special effects are pretty cool too, though not as good as the first film.

However, I'm pretty much certain this movie did not have a script.
Stuff happens without explantion, characters come and go at random...
The evil Kryptonians take over the planet and this doesn't appear to affect people's lives in any significant way.

People who are really into this sort of thing blame the movie's sloppiness on the producers replacing original director Richard Donner with a guy named Richard Lester (I guess they had a thing for Richards).
Basically, people say that Donner did all the good stuff and Lester came in ruined it. There was a big petition to have the "good version" released, and apparently now it's going to be.

But I really find that hard to swallow.

The scenes between Lois and Clark after the discovery are some of the most effective parts of the movie, and Lester apparently directed those. And Lex Luthor getting broken out of jail via hot air ballon is awful, and Donner seems to be responsible.

So I dunno.

People blame Star Wars for ruining the film industry by pressuring all the studios into pumping out high budget blockbusters, but at least Star Wars has a compelling story with real momentum.
This movie has such a cool premise--3 Kryptonian criminals take over the Earth and Superman has to chose between fighting them and loving Lois. But it's ambling and pointless, with slow boring action sequences that its braindead dialogue ("Kneel before Zod! Kneel before Zod! You! Kneel before Zod!") utterly fails to compensate for.

I haven't seen Superman Returns yet, but I can't imagine it's as aimless as this.


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