Really Good Movies

Sunday, July 09, 2006

North by Northwest

Movie: North by Northwest (1959)
Watched with: Danielle

I'd seen this before, but didn't remember huge chunks of it, so I thought it was worth seeing again.

It's weird, cause the first half is so gripping and strange and, despite the bizarreness of some of it, oddly believable. I admired it for having the time to let the characters slow down and talk even though it's an espionage thriller.

But then the climax is typical action movie crap. I know it's a classic, and I love Hitchcock as much as everyone, but people punching each other on top of Mount Rushmore seems like it'd be more at home in a Jerry Brukheimer production.

Still, it's a very nifty movie and I'm glad I rewatched it.


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