Really Good Movies

Sunday, June 25, 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand

Movie: X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
Watched with: Angelo, John, Jessica

How much you enjoy a movie is so dependent on the circumstances in which you see it.
I'm sure that X2 is a better movie than this one, but I watched that one on DVD while working on my comic (which I guess is a little ironic) and couldn't bring myself to care, while I watched this one at the drive-in and it was a good ole time.

(spoilers, I guess)
I like Kelsey Grammer as Beast, basically acting how he does in everything only blue.
I liked how the President was just "The President" without any furthur explanation.
I liked Mystique turning from weird blue naked chick into regular overly-made up strategically-filmed regular naked chick.

I didn't like most of the Phoenix subplot, even though I know it's from the comics, cause it just wasn't very interesting.
Even more so with the dark-haired girl and the useless guy who go iceskating.
In a movie where so much is happening, those characters accomplished absolutely nothing, which would be ok if they were engaging or believable, but they were too vaguely sketched for that to be the case.

Overall, it was a pretty good time. Not great, but definitely worthwhile drive-in fair.
If you can make John pay for you, I suggest you see it as well.


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