Really Good Movies

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Movie: Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)
Watched with: Erika

I feel like I should've been really shocked by this, but I kind of wasn't. It all seemed about what I expeceted, except the part that implied that Enron planned for Arnold to be elected governor of California, which I felt like they needed more evidence to justify. But then, I guess it made sense for them to mention what they had...


Stylistically, I appreciated that this movie didn't copy the Michael Moore style (which is done pretty well sometimes, but sometimes is pretty abysmal--like in that fucking Wallmart movie), though the style it did have was kind of bizarre.

The archival footage from the company and from the news was mixed to pretty good effect, but the metaphor-heavy voiceover, pop music soundtrack (hi, Marylin Manson...) and recreations (hi, naked strippers with operatic music) were, needless to say, bizarre.

This is probably one of the better movies in this genre, but it's still a bit wonky.


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