Really Good Movies

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lawnmower Man

Movie: Lawnmower Man (1992)
Watched with: Angelo

I think the best possible credit a movie can have on IMDB is--
Writing credits
Stephen King (title only) (credit removed following lawsuit)

Wah waaah.

Lawnmower Man is kind of hilariously dated--people do get "absorbed" into virtual worlds (World of Warcraft, anyone?), but not because those environments are indistinguishable from reality (as Lawnmower suggests) but because, at least partially, of the social networks that interactive games create.


I liked the way the notion that virtual reality was a method of tapping into a primal world rather than creating a new reality, but the movie's less about and more a kind of retarded (no pun intended) retread of Flowers for Algernon only with more clumsily-foreshadowed ass-kicking.

It's not a bad movie really, but both Angelo and I fell asleep toward the end.
Make of that what you will.


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